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The graph shows the relationship between cardiac output and right atrial pressure. Point X depicts cardiac output and right atrial pressure at rest. Which of the following most likely accounts for the increase in cardiac output and right atrial pressure depicted by point Z?
The correct answer is B. The increase in cardiac output (CO) and right atrial pressure (RAP) depicted by the intersection of the dashed lines in the figure (point Z) result from activation of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) during exercise.
The plots defined by their points of intersection describe how CO is limited by venous return (VR) and how VR is limited by CO. The interdependence of CO and VR locks the cardiovascular system at the intersection (equilibrium) points.
SNS activation during exercise modifies both curves. In the present example, a resting equilibrium point gives a CO of 5 L/min, supported by 0 mm Hg of RAP. Exercise shifts the equilibrium point (point Z) to give a CO of ~18 L/min at an RAP of 2 mm Hg.
Several different physiologic mechanisms contribute to the increase in CO that is necessary to support exercise.
Note that the VFC also rotates upward (increased slope) during exercise because systemic vascular resistance (SVR) has decreased. SVR decreases due to the vasodilatory effects of metabolites being generated by exercising muscle.
A blood transfusion (choice A) increases central venous pressure and RAP, which shifts the VFC to the right. The CFC may reflexively drop downward and to the right to maintain a stable CO, but it would not shift leftward.
Heart failure (choice C) lowers the CFC (decreased contractility). The resulting decrease in blood pressure activates the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), causing volume retention. The VFC shifts progressively rightward as a result, increasing MSP.
Hemorrhage (choice D) reduces blood volume, which decreases MSP and shifts the VFC to the left. Severe hemorrhage can culminate in hypovolemic shock, which impairs myocardial contractility through hypotension and inadequacy of coronary perfusion.
Spinal anesthesia (choice E) blocks SNS output and venodilates, which decreases MSP and shifts the VFC to the left. Myocardial contractility decreases also, which shifts the CFC downward.
This is a multi-step question.
What is the question asking?
We are being asked what most likely accounts for the increase in cardiac output and right atrial pressure depicted by point Z on the plot shown.
What is the first step?
You first have to consider what the two intersecting plots represent. Focus on the control data first (solid lines).
What is the next step?
You now have to consider how and why these two plots change under physiologic and pathophysiologic conditions.
What is the next step?
The next step is to determine what the plots defined by their intersection point Z represent.
Together, these changes are characteristic of exercise (choice B).
Can other answers be eliminated?
What is the single best answer and why?
Exercise (choice B) is the best answer because it causes sympathetic activation and increased CO. Myocardial inotropy increases, shifting the CFC upward and to the left. Decreased vein capacitance shifts the VFC to the right; the new intersection (equilibrium) point Z defines the CO and RAP under these conditions.
MedEssentials (4th Ed.): pp. 243
First Aid (2019): pp. 284.2
First Aid (2018): pp. 281.1
First Aid (2017): pp. 275.1
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