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CFA Level I Practice Question for March 13th

886 Answers Today

An independent analyst has only one client. One of the client's largest holdings is a brokerage firm. Because of the large holding by his client, the brokerage firm recently began allowing the analyst to tap into the firm's computer network to use the firm's research facilities. This is allowable as long as the analyst:

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You can get more Level I practice questions by using Kaplan Schweser's Level I SchweserPro™ QBank and trying some sample Level I multiple-choice questions from our blog.
Level I Exam questions will not repeat verbatim from exam to exam but can be similar because they all draw from the same body of knowledge which is represented in CFAI’s Candidate Body of Knowledge (CBOK).
Yes, Level I Exam questions are challenging and are meant to test your knowledge of the latest CFA Level I curriculum. If you find yourself feeling exam practice questions are too difficult, revisit the answer explanations to pinpoint the concept you are struggling with.
The Level I Exam expects you to demonstrate your knowledge of algebra, TI BAII+ calculator basics, and statistics in most Level I topics.
This really depends on your experience and current knowledge of the topics. Many candidates find financial statement analysis to be the most challenging part of the Level I Exam. At the same time, others have difficulty with derivatives or economics.
Level I Exam pass rates change from exam cycle to exam cycle and pass rates for each exam window have been recorded since 1963.
You can take as long as you need to complete the CFA Program but you only get six attempts to pass the Level I Exam. You are also only allowed to take an exam up to two times per calendar year and cannot take the exam in windows that are less than 6 months apart. If you end up failing, start by evaluating your study plan and mock exam scores and look for improvements you can make for next time.
Each Level I Exam window has a rescheduling date. If you miss the deadline, you may be able to request a deferral and pay to postpone your scheduled exam date.
You should take a minimum of four Level I mock exams. With that said, some candidates will complete six or more. The number of mock exams candidates should take will vary depending on their knowledge base and scores.
Question: 6/27
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